Working @ NN

Why work with us

Why work with us?

Because what matters to you, matters to us.

No matter how different and unique we are, what everyone strives for is a long and happy life. NN helps its customers, brokers and partners, as well as its employees to care for what they really find important in life. You matter. At NN, we are very aware that your job is a big part of your life. So we make it our business to ensure that you feel happy at work and in your job

You may be in direct contact with our customers, brokers or partners, or developing new products or campaigns. You might be building systems or helping your colleagues. Everything you do has an impact. On our customers, on your workmates, but also on you. Making a real difference in people’s lives: that is the essence of every job at NN. 

We invest in the lives and wellbeing of our (future) colleagues. Which is why we also focus on 3 principal pillars: financial, mental and physical wellbeing. If you decide to come and join us, together we will create an environment that will bring out the best in you. We’ll give you every opportunity to shape your job to fit in with your life. Because we’ll be looking to your talent and experience to deliver on our promise to customers.

Take a look at our vacancies

NN Benefits

Financial wellbeing

Your financial ​​​​​wellbeing

Anyone who works with us is there to make an active difference to the lives of people. So it’s only logical that you will want something in return. Which is why, at NN, you’ll receive a salary that is commensurate with the work you do. But that means more than just money.

Mental wellbeing

Your mental ​​​​wellbeing

We view taking a job at NN as a great opportunity in your career. Because we want you to continue growing at a pace that suits your life and aspirations. So, how can we make a difference for you?

Physical wellbeing

Your physical ​​​​wellbeing

At NN we promote good physical health and wellbeing among our employees, because we believe it can increase energy levels and boost levels of concentration.

NN & society

Our values

Our values

Our business centres around people and trust. Being entrusted with other people’s financial matters is a responsibility we take very seriously. At NN, we help people care for what matters most to them. We do so guided by our values care, clear, commit.

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

We believe an inclusive workforce allows us as a company to better serve our customers. NN Group employs a variety of nationalities, languages and cultures, and we aim to create an environment where diversity can flourish. 

Commitment to society

Commitment to society

At NN, we want to be a positive force in the lives of our customers. We believe this also includes taking responsibility for the wellbeing of the wider society. We want to use our resources, expertise and reach to help society achieve long-term sustainable prosperity.

Look at our jobs


Do not hesitate to consult our vacancies. We look forward to meeting you!

Take a look at our vacancies


Latest news

Top Employer

Top Employer for the 12th year in a row

Els Brusselmans, CHRO: "This result makes me proud! That our employees are happy in their job and at work, that's what we aim for. To make this happen, we create an environment where everyone feels welcome, can be themselves and can grow together with us."

Kudo awards

The first 'Kudo awards' for IT

The start of a new year at NN is also the perfect opportunity to look back and celebrate our IT teams and their successes from last year. Ready for some good vibes? Watch our aftermovie!

100 km run

2 teams ran the 100 km run

Two teams of 4 NN colleagues each ran the 100 km run in favor of 'Kom op Tegen Kanker'! NN is a supporter of all runners and therefore also of all our NN colleagues who run and run a lot of kms together. Together, with the help of their network and many colleagues, they raised 5,000 euros.

Look at our jobs


Do not hesitate to consult our vacancies. We look forward to meeting you!

Take a look at our vacancies


NN e-Library

NN cares about personal development and so we offer you 100 business e-books for free!
Download an e-book and steer your career in the right direction.

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