Our values
Living our values
At NN, we help people to look after what they truly find important. To give shape to this aim, we base our activities on three values: care, clear, commit. These values express what we hold dear, the things we believe in and what we are striving to achieve. They offer us guidance, bring us together and deliver inspiration. Our values enable us to take into account the interests of our stakeholders. These are our customers and they are the starting point of everything we do. Our colleagues, who achieve the goals we envisage together. Our shareholders, who invest in our company. Our communities, in which we work and live. Our business relations and suppliers whom we partner with. And the regulators, with whom we engage in a constructive dialogue.
We empower people to show the best of themselves. We respect each other and the world we live in.
We communicate proactively and honestly. We are accessible and open.
We act with integrity. And we do this with the future in mind.

Why work with us?
“By wanting to come and work with us, you’re opting not only for an exciting job in which you can continue to develop every day, but you’re also joining a bustling environment, filled with all sorts of work colleagues who you can always rely on. At NN, we are very much aware that your job represents a huge part of your life. So we also make it our business to ensure your feel happy in your job and in the work you do. We hope you join us soon.”
Els Brusselmans - CHRO
Do not hesitate to consult our vacancies. We look forward to meeting you!